
About Us



The Pak Family:
Jay, Deborah, Nathanael, Naomi & Noble

From the moment Deborah and Jay got married 12 years ago, they felt a call the be missionaries. What started as a casual commitment to missions, became a more serious endeavor as the years passed. Various short-term outreaches were undertaken to India, Mexico, Iraq & North Korea, with the common thread being their expanding love for the nations.

The Pak’s first introduction to becoming a missional family was back in February of 2021, where they came to checkout the organization: Youth With A Mission (YWAM). The moment they stepped foot on the base in Kona, it became undeniable that they were meant to be there.

Yet, with no actual friends at the base, or a logical reason to come - the Lord spoke through unconventional ways e.g. supernatural confirmations that lie beyond the conditioned mind.

They somehow mustered up the courage to answer God’s call for their family to “GO,” and within 30 days, sold everything back in Pasadena, said bye to friends and family, and went to do a 6-month training known as Discipleship Training School (DTS).

The Paks are coming up on 3 years of being in the mission field, and have seen the Lord’s confirmation of their calling in numerous ways, but to put it succinctly, they are eager to finish the Great Commission with a vigor and sense of urgency like never before!

Please consider their family in your prayers and thoughts, as the Lord is leading them to many more assignments in the coming years.