
We have been building close relationships with various leaders and ministries in Mongolia for the past couple years, and while Jay has already been there 3 separate times, the Pak family had an opportunity over the summer of 2023 to stay there for an entire month. In that span, our teams distributed thousands of bibles across various provinces, prayed with so many people, and witnessed numerous salvations.

We to partnered with ministries like Bless Mongolia, who are passionate about bible distribution, church planting, and ongoing discipleship of new believers.

 It was an open heaven in Mongolia as everyone in our family led someone to the Lord!   The Holy Spirit moved so many Mongolian’s to receive Christ as their Lord to so much fanfare and certainty. We have truly come to understand the power of the simp

It was an open heaven in Mongolia as everyone in our family led someone to the Lord!

The Holy Spirit moved so many Mongolian’s to receive Christ as their Lord to so much fanfare and certainty. We have truly come to understand the power of the simple gospel!!

Above are 3 women at a bar we led to the Lord, who after accepted Christ and received 3 bibles, requested all of the bibles in our possession so they in turn, can also evangelize their NEWFOUND FAITH, to their family

Below is a group of nomadic shepherds we passed by in a rural setting. We asked them if they’d like to hear some good news, which was the main reason we said led us to Mongolia.

As they all put their shearers on the ground, and left their work in limbo to hear our message - every single one of the adults accepted Christ!!!

 We have partnered with  Every Bible Counts  to release a documentary covering all that God did, and continues to do, in Mongolia!

We have partnered with Every Bible Counts to release a documentary covering all that God did, and continues to do, in Mongolia!